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     System > SQL > FileMan Wizard
  FileMan Wizard   View Log   View Background Tasks    
The FileMan wizard will help you map FileMan files to InterSystems classes. (Namespace %SYS)
Step 1 -
Use the form below to view or edit the settings that define how FileMan data structures are converted to InterSystems class definition:
Owner of the Classes Created
Package Name to Create the Classes in
Super Classes
Comma delimited super classes that each mapped class should extend
Table Name Format Based on the File Name and Number
Child Table Name Format Based on the File Name and Number
Maximum length of Property, Trigger, and Foreign Key names
Prior to FM2Class 2.13 this was 31. It can be up to 180.
Field Name Format Based on the FileMan Field Name
Datatype to use for FileMan Date fields
May include type parameters:%Library.String(MAXLEN=19)
Datatype to use for FileMan DateTime fields
May include type parameters:%Library.TimeStamp(XMLTIMEZONE='UTC')
Define STRICTDATA=1 for %FilemanDate* datatypes?
Expand Pointers?
Expand Set Of Codes fields?
Create Value field for Variable Pointer fields?
Define Set Of Codes fields as type?
Defined Required Properties for
Extended Mapping
Name of the IEN Field
Retain Class?
Word-Processing Fields Conversion
Read Only?

Log File
Compile Classes?
Compile Flags
Delete Flags
Display Result